Why All Homeowners Need Flood Insurance

When you own a home, you know how important it is to have home insurance. However, did you also know that you need flood insurance? It’s important to have both to make sure that you’re protected against disasters and other risks. If you don’t have flood insurance yet, we’re here to help. You can call us at M8 Insurance in Salt Lake City, UT, to find out more. 

Home and Flood Insurance

A common reason that homeowners skip getting flood insurance is that they believe their home insurance is enough to protect them against disasters. However, most home policies specifically exclude floods from their coverage. If a flood happened to someone without a flood insurance policy, they would be completely responsible for all the necessary repairs. This could even include rebuilding. Both home and flood policies are needed to keep you covered. 

Any Area Can Flood

It’s a common idea that you only need flood insurance if you live in an area that’s been classified as a flood zone. However, about 20% of flood claims come from areas outside these zones. That’s one out of every five claims. This is a significant number of homeowners who have flood damage outside of a flood zone. Flooding can happen to you even if you aren’t near a body of water. 

Floods Can Be Highly Expensive

Flood damage is some of the worst damage that a building can sustain. A flood can destroy a building and even wash it away. Even a minor flood can cause major damage. This means that every homeowner should never go without a flood policy to protect themselves financially. 

Get Your Flood Insurance Policy

When you need flood insurance, we can help. Call M8 Insurance in Salt Lake City, UT, to get started.