Four Disasters That are Covered By Condo Insurance

When you secure condo insurance for your property, you gain coverage for certain disasters that are beyond your control. As a condo owner, it’s important to understand that some disasters could affect your condo and others in your community. Here are some disasters you can claim against if you experience them in Salt Lake City, UT.

1. Fire

Whether a fire is caused by a natural disaster or an accident within your condo, your insurance policy can provide coverage. This includes damage to your condo and replacement of personal items lost in the fire.

2. Hail Damage

Hail damage can range from minor to significant, depending on the size and quantity of hail that falls. Hail can damage your exterior, necessitating siding replacement. If your condo is on the top floor, you could also experience substantial roof damage due to hail.

3. Smoke Damage

If an accidental or natural fire breaks out near your condo, smoke could infiltrate your condo and cause significant damage, even if the condo itself was not burned. If you experience smoke damage, repairing the affected parts of your condo is essential.

4. Vandalism/Theft

Vandalism and theft are common disasters that are beyond your control. Sometimes, condos can be targeted for damage, externally or through break-ins. In these instances, any damaged or stolen property will need to be repaired or replaced under your condo insurance policy. Remember, the HOA insurance policy will cover any damage to shared properties with other condo owners.

If you own a condo in or around Salt Lake City, Utah, contact our agents at M8 Insurance today for a personalized quote.